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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Welcome to my world! We found out we were having twins during our 7 week ultrasound. Then, we found out we were having identicals during our 10 week ultrasound.

From there, it was a BUMPY ride to make it to 36 weeks. Lots of medical issues and months of bedrest made for a fun (well not so fun) summer!

But in the end we have our beautiful girls!

Fast forward to today and life has been quite a ride. They were born quite small (Isabelle at 4 pounds 11 oz. and Madelyn at 3 pounds 13 oz.) but where healthy and quite the fighters. After only a day in the NICU they came to my room and then we all went home after 3 days total in the hospital.

The first few months of course they slept a lot and we, as parents, got little sleep between the worrying and the feeding every 3 hours. But, it's been amazing to watch them grow; quite literally by the day...I am constantly amazed how they change each and every day!

The ups and downs have made this an exciting ride, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Well, enough about us for now. The reason of this blog is to get other twin and/or multiple mothers together to share our experiences and words of wisdom. So, sit back enjoy the ride and jump in any time!

1 comment:

Emily Kontos said...

We are expecting our mono/di twin girls via IVF in October. Thanks for sharing your story. It's been a bumpy ride for us too!!